The Gede Ruins are a popular tourist attraction in Malindi. The original Swahili settlement dates back to the 12th century but became a thriving town in the 15th century.
The town reached its peak in the middle of the15th century, and its immense wealth can clearly be seen by the presence of palace, houses, markets and mosques all of which lie in the Arabuko – Sokoke primeval forest.
However just over 200 years later the town was abandoned. Today the ruins are looked after by the National Museums of Kenya. The beautiful rain forest around the ruins is still held sacred so traditional ceremonies and sacrifices are still held there by the indigenous Giriama tribal community.
Why it was abandoned is not really know but it is thought that it is the result of many things, in 1589 there were many coastal raids by the Wazimba tribe who came from the Congo. These are known locally as the Wazimba raids. In 1593 the Sheikh of Malindi left and went to live in Mombasa. As a result, the Portuguese transformed the Sheikh into a Sultan as a reward for his loyalty.
Evidence can be seen of a lowering of the water table in the way of the increased depth of the well outside the great mosque. The final reason may have been a hostile nomadic tribe from Somalia called the Galla whose constant threat and actions forced the remaining inhabitants to leave.
You are well advised to take a guided tours around these ruins, to get the feel of where it fits in Swahili history.
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